
The Julia T Shipwreck

The JuliaT shipwreck has been named as one of the ‘100 Essential Wreck Dives’ in the Ultimate Dive Destinations magazine. This is an annual publication, highlighting exciting wreck dives around the globe. The Julia T is perfect for underwater photographers and marine life enthusiasts, as it positively groans under the weight of colourful plumose anenomes and pulsates with fish, both large and small.



“The Julia T” dive wreck off the West coast of Ireland.



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The Julia T is a 30 metre supply vessel, located a mere 10 minutes’ boat ride from the dive centre. It sits upright in 27 metres of water. 

Video by Andrew Stuart.

How to Dive the Julia T Shipwreck

Scubadive West runs dives to the Julia T regularly throughout the year. A minimum Advanced Open water (or equivalent) certification is required. Contact us on  [email protected] 

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